Our work with Men's Association for Gender Equality (MAGE) in the area of gender equality and empowerment of women over the period have proved some successes. Gender Acts interpretations, Child Rights Acts civic education exercises have in diverse ways helped to inform our targeted communities on the facts that violence against women, girls and children are now punishable crimes by the laws of Sierra Leone which before now was not discussed with them.
The fact that some people in our targeted areas now report some violence Committed against them or their family members to the family support unit of the Sierra Leone police are all good indicators of a good step forward. CESMYCO has made remarkable success in sensitizing and creating awareness in communities on issues dealing with harmful traditional practices, especially FGM/C, women’s rights, violence against women, teenage pregnancy, early marriage, child trafficking, capacitate women for political and civil leadership and reproductive health education.
Conducted research on KAP Study on HTPs. Sensitization and advocacy on gender and human rights. Successfully conducted research with international law students from Fordham School of Law's Walter Leitner International Human Rights Clinic, USA; and also from Queens University form Ireland.
Contact Information
TEL: +230-30-206-300/0+232-77-34-74-95
E-MAIL – laurelday2000@yahoo.com or banguralaurel@yahoo.co.uk